Happy Wednesday

on 5/13/15 6:05 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi Siatahs!

I got home late last night. I was sure glad to see my bed! I had a fun day before I left last night. We went to the Botanical Gardens and walked for about 3hrs. Vinnie was a ham there!

Its hot here about 90. I like that way better than 50 and rainy!!!! 

Well talk on I need more coffee!!


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Mary Gee
on 5/13/15 7:04 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Good Morning Carla -- my, my, you're always just getting home from somewhere, or getting ready to leave for somewhere else!!  How do you keep it all on track??!  

Just getting ready to take Jim to see the liver doctor today -- I hope she does something to get things moving today.  He has got to get rid of the fluid build-up.  His abdomen is HUGE, and as hard as a rock.  Not a good thing.  Say a few prayers for him please.  He drives me crazy, but he deserves to get his health taken care of.  I'm in a fighting mood today, so Dr. Linda better be on her game today.  I want an action plan and I want a diagnosis NOW!!  I don't think that's asking for too much, do you???  


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 5/13/15 4:17 pm

Hello Mary...if i didn't use my day planner everyday I wouldn't know what was going on. I keep everything in there. All my medical history, family information, appointments etc.. I would be lost with out that book. It helps me be very organized. I check it each evening before I go to bed and again in the morning.

As for your Jim...I do pray they have answers too. However, with him being so contrary to all they ask of him, it is hard to know what to do. He is at high risk mostly due to not following their advice. They won't do biopsies if it isn't safe. I hope he gets his ducks in a row soon. I have been praying for you too!!! 

Hoping your day gets better....love and many hugs to you...connie d 


on 5/13/15 8:21 am

Hey All,

Happy Hump Day to you guys.   My meeting with the deans went well and my budget was approved down to the last penny so I was very happy about that.  

It is raining here and there are some pretty dark, heavy clouds that will probably segue into a huge thunderstorm.  

Well, I'm at work so I don't have much time.  Hope you guys had a better Tuesday night than the day seemed to be for most of us.


Connie D.
on 5/13/15 4:22 pm

Hello Jeannie...Happy Hump Day to you.

Congratulations to you!!!! I knew you wouldn't have any problem getting your budget approved. You know what the are asking. You are very smart and clever.... you can make them dance!! 

No rain here today...it keeps clouding over but it is nice out. I love any day I can have a  great breeze blowing through the apartment!!  I hope you get nothing but a few thunder storms. NO MORE Tornado scares!!!

Have a good evening...lots of love and hugs....connie d

on 5/13/15 11:53 am

Happy Wednesday, Carla. Ice to see you beat us to the punch!

Glad you made it home safe & sound! Do you know I am afraid to fly? I envy ppl being able to travel that way...

Ugh...I like the 90's ONLY on the beach! It dropped down from the high 80's here yesterday to a very breezy 69...I enjoy that...thank you very much...lol! and thank God we haven't had the wild weather the Midwest has been seeing...the tornadoes some of you guys are dealing with are so scary to me, and then Eileen's story about the doctor and the twin tornadoes was a real headshaker!


Mary, forgot to comment on the photos you posted. They were great! I love looking at before/after photos...especially when some brave souls do so in swim suits or bras & panties. It really helps visualize and prepare for the changes. Keep up the good work!

I agree Jim2 reciprocates the best he can, but it does get frustrating having to do all the 'head' work so to speak...balance the checkbook, make to-do lists, remember when dr & other appts are, etc. I get tired and cranky when I feel the pressure. I think if we did not have the additional pressure of raising our g'daughter and having to deal with, remember & do all the things associated with a young teen it would be easier. But I wouldn't trade Jazz for anything!

I do hope your Jim gets his liver checked out thoroughly & follows thru on any suggested treatment. I am sure he is depressed & worried which makes it harder on you. Let us know how he makes out today.

Jeannie, glad the budget got approved and you can mark that off your list! Always a good feeling!

Vickie & Christine...you two need to behave with all your threats to kick ass...lol! I am sure Vickie is not a woman who takes any crap, and then is a Texan as far as I know. Don't want be reading about a female trio tying these guys down & possibly cutting off their b*lls...lmao! But in all seriousness you guys are the bomb the way you are so supportive!

My nephew was almost on the Philly train that derailed! My sister & her family are relieved his work schedule got changed. She said he was worried some of his co-workers were on it, but apparently they were not. Such a tragedy for those who didn't make it! 

I had a really negative experience at my pre-op pulmonary testing appt. today! Call me an idiot, but I have never had any lung testing before, and the guy puts me in this glass booth & explains how to suck on the tube with keeping my tongue out of the way. then he starts telling me to breathe in...hold...breathe out...hold...repeat. Apparently my tongue kept blocking the tube...not on purpose, and he started YELLING at me!!! I got so flustered when he told me to do it again my tongue blocked the tube again. He then gets visibly aggravated & points out 'he has 18 & 19 year olds who can do this!' & what do I do for a living??? I tell him I was a social worker & he says 'then you should be able to do this!' I was so ready to walk out, but I needed this for my surgery clearance. The 3rd time I was able to get it Thank God...I am glad that is over!

Then I go for my cuomidin check & it is low & she is questioning my diet, etc. I cannot think of anything different I've been doing.... so instead of going back in a month I have to go back in 2 weeks...ugh!

The good news is I have now lost a total of 36 pounds so that is going in the right direction! Yay me!

As usual, I am probably overlooking someone, but it is not personal..it's my memory. Jazz is due home from school so I gotta hop off. Everyone have a good evening!


Connie D.
on 5/13/15 4:39 pm

Hello Kathy....I don't mind flying it sure gets you there much faster!

Couldn't Jim2 get to medical appointments and such using a medical care service? If he is disabled he should be qualified for help. Just wondering.

Yes...I am working on a posse to head down to Texas to kick Leo and Mike in the ass!! Anyone interested can contact me...LOL!!!!! We  all love each other...being supportive is easy when you care so much!!

God was watching out for your nephew!! I am so glad his schedule got changed! I am praying for all those that were on that train. Prayers for the families too.

I would be reporting the behavior of that Tech doing that test. I have one of those once a year as I have COPD. It can be confusing at times. He was and IDIOT and needs to know how to speak to patients. His bedside manor sucks!! I hope you do report him. There was no excuse for his name calling and such. Maybe the posse and I will have to come there and do a little kicking too!!!!

Sorry your level was off...hope you can get it back up where it needs to be. They can't do surgery otherwise.

WOW...36 pounds...you are rocking!!! Good for you!!

Lots of love and hugs....connie d


on 5/13/15 11:56 am

Meant Connie....not Vickie....needs to behave along with Christine! See, my attention span is limited!


on 5/13/15 12:59 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Hello everyone, happy Wednesday! 

The temperatures here are much more seasonable today, mid 60's and sunny.  A lovely day for sure.  I am bored to tears waiting for my employers to give me an assignment, so I am going to start working on a presentation to go along with a speech I'm scheduled to give on 6/1.  It's only a few weeks away, but I was mostly done with it in February before my layoff.  Well, at least I will have something to work on to keep my brain engaged.  

My stepdaughters graduation is almost here.  I read her bachelors thesis and cried like a baby.  It was so well written, and so well done.  I can't believe how quickly the time passed. I am very proud of her.  She really turned herself around.  I pray to God that her brother will do the same... He is only 17 so there is time for him. 

Carla, I am glad you made it home from your trip ok! Flight delays are not fun.  Vince is just Adorable! 

Mary, I am sending all sorts of prayers to your Jim today. I really hope you guys get a definitive diagnosis and a treatment plan.  

Jeannie, i am so glad everything went well for you yesterday! WHEW a sigh of relief, right? 

Kathy, that is just terrible treatment by your pulmonologist. I hope you'll consider giving some feedback to the center or hospital he works for... After you get your clearance of of course. :-)  maybe my posse needs to circle over there and have a little talk with him? 

Well I have a ton to do here before dinner, and my band is coming over tonight for rehearsal too. So let me dash.  Sending love and prayers to all of you.  



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


Connie D.
on 5/13/15 4:44 pm

Hello Christine....I hope you get an assignment soon...it is hard to stay busy if you can' find things to do. Work slow on the presentation..LOL!

How fun...band rehearsal...enjoy!!!!!

Have a good evening...lots of love and oodles of hugs...connie d

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